Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Builds
Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Builds
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Builds
Windows Mobile Marketplace Forum
WCF on Windows Mobile and .NET Compact Framework
Late Notice: Windows Mobile Jumpstart #2
Spb Mobile Shell 3.0
Windows Mobile Training Leads to Success
Codemasons’ Guild for Windows Mobile Developer
Microsoft Gestures
Repost: Windows Mobile 6.5 developer training – Jumpstart series
Windows Mobile 6.5 in the Australian Media
More Windows Mobile Controls for .NET Compact Framework with Mirabyte
What works/What doesn’t in Windows Mobile 6.5 Widgets
Sync Framework Sample and the Consumer Solution Accelerator for Windows Mobile
Another bee4Mobile.Net Control
Make My Windows Mobile 6.5 Widget Into a Windows Vista/Windows 7 Gadget
Even Google’s talking about Bing!
Accessing Data with Windows Mobile 6.5 Widgets, Ajax 4, Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services.
Widget Documentation for Windows Mobile 6.5 Now on MSDN
Extending the Widget model on Windows Mobile 6.5
Get Started with Windows Mobile 6.5 Today