Building Cross Platform Applications using Hot Design and Codespaces with Uno Platform and No IDE

Ok, so the title is a bit of a mouthful but here’s the scenario – you want to quickly spin up an application but you don’t want to mess around downloading and installing any of the usual development tools required to build an Uno Platform application. In this post we’re going to walk through creating … Read more

AI App Builders – Take 3 – TempoLabs

I was watching overview of TempoLabs and my initial impression was “wow, that’s a lot of stuff” as they not only have AI generation but it seems they understand at least the basics of a software devlelopment process. When you invoke the AI generation, it firstly parrots back its understanding of what you’ve asked for. … Read more

AI App Builders – Take 2 – Lovable

Following from my previous attempt at building a simple app to retrieve the ABN for a business, I figured I’d give a go. This will be a quick post to cover some of the likes/dislikes from this process. Firstly I have to hand it to Lovable, they’ve done a great job with the user … Read more

AI App Builders – Take 1 –

I figured I’d take some of these AI app builders for a run to see how capable they are. To date I’ve mainly just been taking advantage of the AI capabilities that are progressively being added to VS Code and Visual Studio though tooling such as Copilot but I’m hoping that these AI app builders, … Read more

Logging with Azure Application Insights in a Windows Application

The default template for a Windows application comes with almost no guidance for how developers should do even basic things like logging. Luckily, the Uno Platform wizard provides a simple way to create an application that configures the Microsoft.Extensions for each of the supported platforms. This includes the ability to setup Microsoft.Extensions.Logging with the ability … Read more