Building the Xamarin.Forms Basic Layout Using XAML
Building the Xamarin.Forms Basic Layout Using XAML
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
Building the Xamarin.Forms Basic Layout Using XAML
Adding Xamarin.Forms Support
Mobile First, Cloud First and How it Applies to Line of Business Software
Getting Started with Design for Windows, Windows Phone, iOS and Android
Why the iPhone 5 is a Fail
Hack: OAuth security flaw for Windows Phone 7, iPhone and other Mobile platforms
iPhone User Experience Fail
It’s no iPhone UI but it’s a step up for Windows Mobile
iPhone Killer Application
HTC Touch Pro – Breaking the iPhone trend
iPhones are for Girls, Diamonds are for Men
iTouch/iPhone UI: Appointment Date/Time
Windows Mobile v’s iPhone
You can’t park that iPhone here!