Improving the Azure Active Directory Sign-on Experience

I was talking to a customer the other day and had to log into the Azure portal. Normally when I launch the portal I’m already signed in and I’m not prompted but for whatever reason this time I was prompted to authenticate. Doing this in front of the customer lead to three interesting discussions:

– Use of two factor authentication to secure sign in
– Separate global administrator account for primary organisation tenant
– Company branding for Azure AD sign in

Firstly, the use of two factor authentication (TFA) is a must requirement for anyone who is using the Azure portal – if you are an administrator of your organisation, please make sure you enforce this requirement for anyone accessing your tenant/directory/subscription. This applies to staff, contractors, guests etc who might be using your Azure portal or the Office 365 portal. In fact, in this day in age, I would be enforcing two factor authentication for all employees – note that Outlook and Skype for Business are still stuck in the dark-ages and don’t access TFA sign in. For these you’ll need to generate an application password (go to, click on your profile image in top right corner and select “Profile”, click through to “Additional security verification,” click on the “app passwords” tab and then click “Create” to generate an app password.

Ok, next is the use of a separate global administrator account – this is in part tied to the previous point about using TFA. If you’re a global administrator of your tenant and you enable TFA, you won’t be able to generate app passwords. This is essentially forcing you down the path of best practice, which is to have a separate account which is the global administrator for your tenant. If other people in your organisation need administrative permissions, you can do this on a user or role basis within the Azure portal – our preference is to assign permissions to a resource group but there is enough fidelity within the portal to control access at the level you desire.

The other thing we’ve also enforced is that we do not host any Azure resources in our primary tenant (ie in our case Given the importance of Office365 based services we felt it important that we isolate off any resources we create in Azure to make sure they’re completely independent of our primary tenant. The only exception to this is if we are building internal LOB applications (ie only apps for Built to Roam use) – for these we include the app registrations within the tenant so that we can restrict sign in and at the same time deliver a great sign in experience for our employees. For example we’re using Facebook Workplace ( – we configured this within the tenant in Azure AD to allow for a SSO experience.

Now, onto the point of this post – the last thing that came out of signing into the portal in front of the customer was that they were startled when we went to sign into the portal and our company branding appeared. To illustrate, when you first land on the portal sign in page you see:


After entering my email address, the sign in page changes to incorporate the Built to Roam branding


This not only improves the perception (for internal and external users), it also gives everyone a sense of confidence that they’re signing into a legitimate Built to Roam service.

In order to set this up, you need to navigate to the Active Directory node in the Azure portal and click on the Company branding. If you’re using Office 365 you should already have access to this tab. However, if you’re not, you may need to sign up for Active Directory Premium – you can get started using the Premium trial:


Once you’ve opened the Company branding tab (if you have just activated the trial, you may need to wait a few minutes and/or sign out and back in again in order for the Company branding tab to open) you can click on the link to “Configure company branding now”


There are a number of options and images that you can configure:


After saving the changes, if you attempt to sign in, you’ll notice the new images/colours etc appear. In this case, you can see that the welcome text at the bottom of the sign in page has been changed to what I entered in the company branding tab. Unfortunately because I didn’t set the sign in page image, the default is used, so you can’t see the red (#FF0000) background I set – you can see glimpses of it if you resize the page. This can be fixed by simply uploading a transparent image.


The ability to customise the sign in experience is just one way to improve the experience for you staff and customers.

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