In my previous post I showed adding a INavigateService to facilitate navigation between view models. This included an implementation of the service for Universal applications. For WPF the implementation looks very similar:
public class WPFNavigationService : CoreNavigateService<Page>
protected override void NavigateToView(Type viewType)
(App.Current.MainWindow.Content as Frame).Navigate(new Uri(“/Pages/” + viewType.Name + “.xaml”, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
Note that this assumes that pages are in the Pages folder of the project.
The other change that is required is that the WPF application needs to have a Frame which can be used to navigate between pages. So, the MainWindow now looks like
<Window x_Class=”RealEstateInspector.Desktop.MainWindow”
Title=”MainWindow” Height=”350″ Width=”525″
<Frame Source=”/Pages/MainPage.xaml” />
All the content that was in the MainWindow is now in MainPage. And the type registration at application startup is getting more complex:
public void ApplicationStartup()
CoreApplication.Startup(builder =>
builder.RegisterType<WindowsPlatformNavigationService>().SingleInstance().As<INavigateService>();#elif DESKTOP
var navService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<INavigateService>() as WindowsPlatformNavigationService;
var navService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<INavigateService>() as WPFNavigationService;
navService.Register<MainViewModel, MainPage>();
navService.Register<SecondViewModel, SecondPage>();
This creates a navigation bar which allows the user to navigate back between pages: