I was just looking for someone in my IM contacts and noticed that one or two of my contact now have this “I’M” logo against their name. Intrigued I figured I’d try a search to see what it was. Unfortunately “I’m” by itself doesn’t yield very good results; However in conjunction with “Live Messenger” I was pointed towards a new initiative from the Live services team. Check out the “I’m making a difference” program for more information about how your IM conversations can aid “organisations dedicated to social causes”. You will observe that there is now a link from this blog (see news section on the left) and an icon against my name in Live Messenger!. Alternatively you can click this button to get involved:

This program was quite well timed as I had just finished reading Alastair’s post about “An Inconvenient Truth” and how we all need to contribute and make a difference. If you are in Australia tonight you should take the Carbon Test and see how you can improve your daily life to reduce your carbon emissions.
Update: I should have pointed out that at the moment this program is US only. You can easily fool the website by claiming you are living in the US but this won’t do much good as the programme itself is tightly controlled and non-US conversations won’t count towards the money.