Last night I vented my ongoing frustration with the ANZ bank to good friend and fellow MVP, Sandi Hardmeier. As far as banks go the ANZ IMHO is ok. Since being in NZ they have allowed me to setup my accounts, including credit card, with minimal fuss. I must admit I was surprised when they told me that I couldn’t deposit cheques using the ATM and that I had to still fill in a deposit slip…..
Anyhow I digress, the point of my frustration this time around was that I couldn’t access Internet banking using my newly rebuilt Vista machine (build 5456 before you ask). Everytime I clicked on the logon button I would get a blank window. In Sandi’s post she reveals how to go about working out why a site might not display properly. A big thanks to Sandi as I was able to not only access my Internet banking site, I was also able to isolate a number of issues that were causing the issue.
1) Check the “Use SSL 2.0” checkbox under Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Security
2) Enable “Allow the Pop-up Blocker to show Input prompts” under Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level -> Scripting