Mobile Client Software Factory goes Live!
Mobile Client Software Factory goes Live!
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
Mobile Client Software Factory goes Live!
Large Enterprise – no excuses to build innovative solutions with SQL Server Everywhere
IE7 V’s ANZ Bank
ACS PD Board gets and RSS feed
Time and Expense – basic db design
ActiveSync 4.2 – perhaps this might work
Time and Expense reporting
Some frozen thoughts about mobile technology
Intilecta’s starting to grow!
Wellington is on the Atlas thanks to Tatham Oddie
Why didn’t I think of this….. use Crossbow to control Blackberries
How good is this – defer connection to TFS on VS load
Want to learn how to handle a Flamethrower, take a look at how the best in the business uses it on Messenger Plus!
SoftTeq represented at the ECU Early Career Awards
Bored sitting on the bus/train on the way to work – try being a Caveman for an hour or so…
.NET Compact Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1
Off to NZ to work at Intilecta
Vista Update, VMWare and still no Windows Mobile 5 SDK
SQL Everywhere CTP – get it while it’s hot….
"How to build an annoying mobile application 101"