VB.NET needs Iterators
VB.NET needs Iterators
Building amazing multi-platform solutions for iOS, Android, Mac, Linux and Windows
VB.NET needs Iterators
Joining the IE7 bandwagon
OneCare v’s WMDC
UMPC – retail or enterprise
OneCare beta prevents VPN connections in Vista RC2
Pc-cillin v’s OneCare
Walking the walk of shame – when blogs get it wrong
Screen Resolution – how small should we go
WPF/e defining some language priorities (aka web developers use c# not VB)
Vendor Presentations/Interviews
[OT] Whinging Australian farmers
Project Glidepath
Occasionally Connected Systems Sync Framework
VB.NET Event Handlers
Hiding my password
The Side Effects of Debugging Code
Google cache to the rescue
The Microsoft Developer Show #9 – Certification
Australian Developers are "shallow" and "sloppy"
Windows Mobile Device Center